Born on Aug 23rd1962 in Croatia, at the time of his birth still a part of former Yugoslavia. Studied electrical engineering at University of Zagreb. Worked as a photographer at magazine "Start" in Zagreb until 1986 when he joined US based photo agency Picture Group and started regularly working on assignments for Time, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, Stern and NY Times. In 1989 he became a co-founding photographer of Saba Press Photos agency. Among other stories he covered the collapse of Iron Curtain, exodus of Iraqi Kurds in Turkey, devastating earthquake in Turkey, the breakup of Yugoslavia, the invasion of Afghanistan. His images appeared on the front pages of Time, Newsweek, US News, L'Express and Le Nouvel Observateur. Today Filip is now retired from photography, he owns and runs a small hotel on the Adriatic island of Prvic.