July 12, 2020

The Watch

My brother Amel bought this for 10 euros. I think it was late 1994. Now it’s so cheap and irrelevant, but during the war, it was a fortune. He bought it from a friend whose father was away. I don’t think he expected his father to return. War kills hope. You prioritize the present. Maybe […]

April 30, 2020


Sa svakim ramazanom dođu i uspomene. Draga sjećanja. Isplivaju na površinu. Momenti dragi, momenti zadnji, paradoksalno se pretapaju između košmara i lijepog sna. Na trenutak se zamislim, proživim to opet, ratni doručak tog kobnog trećeg maja ‘95. Sjećam se i stare zagorene tave, teška, ogromna. Moglo bi u nju stati bar desetero jaja, a opet […]

November 26, 2019


My father used to instruct us to walk behind him when facing sniper side of the street. On the way back home, it was the other way around. We would then walk in front of him. I will never forget his words, “I am the one who should get killed first.” Let it be in […]

October 18, 2019


You know that term ‘bro’. People use it when calling their brothers, cousins, close friends,sometimes even random strangers in the street, coffee shops, airports. Hey bro. Brother. I get to be called ‘bro’ a lot. It doesn’t mater when or who does itI automatically have a slight discomfort in my stomach. A pinch in the […]

September 2, 2019


morgue coldness chilling air with dimmed lights silence, random distant whispers sharp smell of steel sound of steps over aged white floor tiles screaming heavy old metal doors frosted hair, like a morning icy grass colorless, lifeless skin lips were grey, semi-open I think I kissed him last time somehow that piece of my memory […]

August 22, 2019


We don’t need much to start dreaming. One small detail is enough, a word, a blink of an eye. A tiny spark igniting series of novels written in the past. I imagine things we never had time to fulfill. As if somebody is looking, who knows I’m lying to myself. I fantasize whatever I wish. […]

August 10, 2019


My brother was born in 1979. I can’t help but take notice of that year whenever I see it, wherever I see it  But especially when I hear it. Every time I meet people and we get into a conversation about age, I tell them mine and they mention theirs, I quickly do the math […]